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This footswitch can easily be replicated and made at home BUT if build quality is important (which it is for me), it THE absolute best solution for Roland Amps.I use it with my Cube40gx amp and it gives me complete control of the on-board electronics.
This footswitch can easily be replicated and made at home BUT if build quality is important (which it is for me), it THE absolute best solution for Roland Amps.I use it with my Cube40gx amp and it gives me complete control of the on-board electronics.
This footswitch can easily be replicated and made at home BUT if build quality is important (which it is for me), it THE absolute best solution for Roland Amps.I use it with my Cube40gx amp and it gives me complete control of the on-board electronics.
This footswitch can easily be replicated and made at home BUT if build quality is important (which it is for me), it THE absolute best solution for Roland Amps.I use it with my Cube40gx amp and it gives me complete control of the on-board electronics.