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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
All in one.... delivery was quick.
Didnt expected much for this speakers, but it blewed my mind.
using it with my Vault Ai22, its best together.... its huge and sound is really beyond expectations
money spent well.
thanks bajaao for making this masterpiece, works super well. sound quality is the best
all ok, working very well.
The pads are very helpful for the vibrations it works really very very well.. thanks
this thing saved me alot of buck, and speakers frequency response is very awesome, Bass is loud and very clear, without affecting the treble.
The best pair to have for a home studio.
Got it replaced ones cause got a faulty piece second one i recieved is awesome. no complains
All in one.... delivery was quick.
Didnt expected much for this speakers, but it blewed my mind.
using it with my Vault Ai22, its best together.... its huge and sound is really beyond expectations
money spent well.
thanks bajaao for making this masterpiece, works super well. sound quality is the best
all ok, working very well.
The pads are very helpful for the vibrations it works really very very well.. thanks
this thing saved me alot of buck, and speakers frequency response is very awesome, Bass is loud and very clear, without affecting the treble.
The best pair to have for a home studio.
Got it replaced ones cause got a faulty piece second one i recieved is awesome. no complains