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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Excellent Design, sound, comfort and everything
Super Sexy a choice and Awesome headphones i have ever seen or experienced. i am happy i made a great choice
Stunning Audio quality, this headphones waas beyond my expectations, thanks bajaao for suggestting me this headphones this wokrs very very well with my setup.
The cups are pretty awesome fits very well. even though tthe sound the weight is very light. Thanks bajaao for the discount.
Excellent Design, sound, comfort and everything
Super Sexy a choice and Awesome headphones i have ever seen or experienced. i am happy i made a great choice
Stunning Audio quality, this headphones waas beyond my expectations, thanks bajaao for suggestting me this headphones this wokrs very very well with my setup.
The cups are pretty awesome fits very well. even though tthe sound the weight is very light. Thanks bajaao for the discount.