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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a very good harmonica for intermediate and advanced players. I bought this after using Hohner Rocket , Golden Melody & Suzuki Olive. This harmonica is ver sturdy , strong and heavier than others I own. The tone is mellow ideal for blues and jazz . I got this in key of G
Good product. Good sound quality.
Not good. I am not satisfied. But l don't blame BAJAAO.
This is a very good harmonica for intermediate and advanced players. I bought this after using Hohner Rocket , Golden Melody & Suzuki Olive. This harmonica is ver sturdy , strong and heavier than others I own. The tone is mellow ideal for blues and jazz . I got this in key of G
Good product. Good sound quality.
Not good. I am not satisfied. But l don't blame BAJAAO.