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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This mic can do wonders in the hand of a pro singer or pro guitarist , & the right studio setup..In the not so ideal setup this may sound similar to any other sub 20k mic that you may own.and well if you are a not so seasoned musician it may only sound worse.. because this microphone picks up all the flaws beautifully.. The c314 is very transparent and unforgiving to poor source. When listened with a good ear through studio monitors you can make figure out the small details which make the C414 also so popular .Overall this is a great versatile mic and the pattern options are great for different instruments or sources. -A nice little case is also included along with mic clip & shock mount which makes it a complete bundle deal!
This mic can do wonders in the hand of a pro singer or pro guitarist , & the right studio setup..In the not so ideal setup this may sound similar to any other sub 20k mic that you may own.and well if you are a not so seasoned musician it may only sound worse.. because this microphone picks up all the flaws beautifully.. The c314 is very transparent and unforgiving to poor source. When listened with a good ear through studio monitors you can make figure out the small details which make the C414 also so popular .Overall this is a great versatile mic and the pattern options are great for different instruments or sources. -A nice little case is also included along with mic clip & shock mount which makes it a complete bundle deal!