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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The inbuilt sound recorder of my laptop was not satisfying so i got this one for myself... the recorded output was way better and clearer than the inbuilt recorder of my laptop. Ofcourse you can't use it for recording professionally but the quality of the audio is way too great.
With SAMSON GO MIC DIRECT PORTABLE USB MICROPHONE I found this totally cool way to converse with people using my computer. The product is tiny but it gives an excellent sound quality. When I am done with my work, I can put it back in the hard case to protect it until I need it till next time!
The inbuilt sound recorder of my laptop was not satisfying so i got this one for myself... the recorded output was way better and clearer than the inbuilt recorder of my laptop. Ofcourse you can't use it for recording professionally but the quality of the audio is way too great.
With SAMSON GO MIC DIRECT PORTABLE USB MICROPHONE I found this totally cool way to converse with people using my computer. The product is tiny but it gives an excellent sound quality. When I am done with my work, I can put it back in the hard case to protect it until I need it till next time!