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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This mic delivers one of the best recording quality within this budget.The mic comes with a USB cable which can be directly used to record audio into your computer.Best for Recording audio fpr Vlogs, making audios for youtube videos and its also got firm stand to put on a desk , played instruments are also recorded in fine quality on it.This microphone is a great catch if you are just starting out on Youtube and recording.Use a Pop filter with this mic to increase the audio quality. Dont hesitate to buy.
too good for my home studio, the output sound is very fine and detailed. Super clear vocals audio, no feedback. Easily best condenser microphone in this price!
This mic delivers one of the best recording quality within this budget.The mic comes with a USB cable which can be directly used to record audio into your computer.Best for Recording audio fpr Vlogs, making audios for youtube videos and its also got firm stand to put on a desk , played instruments are also recorded in fine quality on it.This microphone is a great catch if you are just starting out on Youtube and recording.Use a Pop filter with this mic to increase the audio quality. Dont hesitate to buy.
too good for my home studio, the output sound is very fine and detailed. Super clear vocals audio, no feedback. Easily best condenser microphone in this price!