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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I would recommend this product as: there is amazing packaging and deliver, the product isnt made out of cheap quality plastic, super durable, awesome sound and really good to use this product during a mini acoustic jam session... Do buy u wont regret!!!
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Very nice shakers to play. Very well designed and build quality is very good.
I haven't got a product yet
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Its very good and has got a preferable sound
Good quality plastic egg shaker. Sound is awesome. Thanks Bajaao.
After 11 months of more-than-occasional usage, this turned out to exceed expectations. Decent build, sharp attack, good weight. It fits in your palm too, so you can cut the high-end by using more contact of your palm & fingers around the egg. Plastic, but great quality.
I would recommend this product as: there is amazing packaging and deliver, the product isnt made out of cheap quality plastic, super durable, awesome sound and really good to use this product during a mini acoustic jam session... Do buy u wont regret!!!
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Very nice shakers to play. Very well designed and build quality is very good.
I haven't got a product yet
Stagg EGG-1 Plastic Egg Shakers
Its very good and has got a preferable sound
Good quality plastic egg shaker. Sound is awesome. Thanks Bajaao.
After 11 months of more-than-occasional usage, this turned out to exceed expectations. Decent build, sharp attack, good weight. It fits in your palm too, so you can cut the high-end by using more contact of your palm & fingers around the egg. Plastic, but great quality.