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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Only one fault is their my e string broke while bending technique so its not really unbreakable but if anyone want for lead or strumming its a good option great resonance
These are worth the price. They sound consistent for at least a couple of months in my experience.
Strings are just amazing... warm sound, Itook light gauge strings... which is very comfortable and sound again is just lovely. 800 bucks is like investment for 6-7 months. Do go ahead with these strings, you will not regret. Happy Guitaring!
Wow, what strings. Awesome
Only one fault is their my e string broke while bending technique so its not really unbreakable but if anyone want for lead or strumming its a good option great resonance
These are worth the price. They sound consistent for at least a couple of months in my experience.
Strings are just amazing... warm sound, Itook light gauge strings... which is very comfortable and sound again is just lovely. 800 bucks is like investment for 6-7 months. Do go ahead with these strings, you will not regret. Happy Guitaring!
Wow, what strings. Awesome