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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The best thing about the bag is the material used.
Overall a quality material and craftmanship
The guitar bag is a beast.
Material - 5/5
Durability - 5/5
Colour- 5/5
The bag is well padded and have a really good fit for acoustic guitars. Material is good quality
The guitar bag is well padded that will protect your guitar from any sorts of damage.
It is nice but not everyone can buy due to price...
The best thing about the bag is the material used.
Overall a quality material and craftmanship
The guitar bag is a beast.
Material - 5/5
Durability - 5/5
Colour- 5/5
The bag is well padded and have a really good fit for acoustic guitars. Material is good quality
The guitar bag is well padded that will protect your guitar from any sorts of damage.
It is nice but not everyone can buy due to price...