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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I wasn't sure before purchasing this but hands down to Kustom Sounds for producing an amazing amplifier which can be used for jamming purposes or even a small live arrangement. It has got great EQ and FX like Reverb and Delay in place with specific settings. At this price I believe it was a deal breaker.
This amplifier is good for electric guitars but I am using it as drum monitors for my electronic drumS. The sound output is although good but it lacks clarity. Recommend for room practice only but yeah its a kind off value for money.
1 years and i will take some time best tones in kustom sound amplifier.
I was looking for some decent amplifier to do Jamming and self practice at home which should have Reverb in Amplifier so that i can sing easily with Guitar/Keyboard.Iam using this from 2 Months. Its running great !! Go for it Guys !!
good output, too much late to deliver(16 days), warranty proof are not filled n sealed(not satisfied),no idea about the services center of Kustom sound, looks not bad
my favorite practice amp since a few months now. glad to have found it on bajaao for this low a price. the amp is loud and gritty enough for my taste. When I'm not playing the guitar, it gets used around the house like a karaoke machine when the mic is connected to it. well featured guitar amp with most common features like Effects DSP Reverb and Digital Delay, Output Line Out, Pre Out and Headphones and Tone Control Global : Bass, Mid , Treble. I highly recommend the product and bajaao service.
I wasn't sure before purchasing this but hands down to Kustom Sounds for producing an amazing amplifier which can be used for jamming purposes or even a small live arrangement. It has got great EQ and FX like Reverb and Delay in place with specific settings. At this price I believe it was a deal breaker.
This amplifier is good for electric guitars but I am using it as drum monitors for my electronic drumS. The sound output is although good but it lacks clarity. Recommend for room practice only but yeah its a kind off value for money.
1 years and i will take some time best tones in kustom sound amplifier.
I was looking for some decent amplifier to do Jamming and self practice at home which should have Reverb in Amplifier so that i can sing easily with Guitar/Keyboard.Iam using this from 2 Months. Its running great !! Go for it Guys !!
good output, too much late to deliver(16 days), warranty proof are not filled n sealed(not satisfied),no idea about the services center of Kustom sound, looks not bad
my favorite practice amp since a few months now. glad to have found it on bajaao for this low a price. the amp is loud and gritty enough for my taste. When I'm not playing the guitar, it gets used around the house like a karaoke machine when the mic is connected to it. well featured guitar amp with most common features like Effects DSP Reverb and Digital Delay, Output Line Out, Pre Out and Headphones and Tone Control Global : Bass, Mid , Treble. I highly recommend the product and bajaao service.