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Used it for few days but felt satisfied till now. It is a great product. Recording quality is very good. Interface is user friendly. Sleek and stylish design. Superb Quality.... Great for home Studio..
I had been using Behringer UMC22 for a couple of years. Purchased the 8i6 a week ago and felt extremely satisfied as far as of now! Worth the money! Go for it!
Sounds awesome...If u want to track multi instruments simultaneously go for it..good for Home studiosi recommend
Used it for few days but felt satisfied till now. It is a great product. Recording quality is very good. Interface is user friendly. Sleek and stylish design. Superb Quality.... Great for home Studio..
I had been using Behringer UMC22 for a couple of years. Purchased the 8i6 a week ago and felt extremely satisfied as far as of now! Worth the money! Go for it!
Sounds awesome...If u want to track multi instruments simultaneously go for it..good for Home studiosi recommend