Make your purchase using any Credit or Debt card EMI and Bajaao will return the total interest charged, as Cashback to your bajaao wallet.
(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Good quality of the sticks
They're the ideal weight and size for me. Between 5a and 5b.
a guy called telling bajaao did not have this in stock and that my money will be refunded in 2-3 days. This was about a month ago. I have not recieved the money yet! what company do you guys run?
Good quality of the sticks
They're the ideal weight and size for me. Between 5a and 5b.
a guy called telling bajaao did not have this in stock and that my money will be refunded in 2-3 days. This was about a month ago. I have not recieved the money yet! what company do you guys run?