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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Nice quality bag
A quality product. It has pockets for all your guitar accessories. Also has good padding to protect your precious guitar
Product is great. Bought it for my Fender CD 60- SCE. Suitable for Yamaha F310 also. Grear stuff. Rough and Tough. Pockets are spacious and has ample room for accessories. Great product. Just a bit overpriced for a Guita Bag.
Nice quality bag
A quality product. It has pockets for all your guitar accessories. Also has good padding to protect your precious guitar
Product is great. Bought it for my Fender CD 60- SCE. Suitable for Yamaha F310 also. Grear stuff. Rough and Tough. Pockets are spacious and has ample room for accessories. Great product. Just a bit overpriced for a Guita Bag.