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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Great piece of a gear for anyone ranging from beginner to intermediate guitarists! The alnico pickups sound great and out of the box its a gig worthy guitar!
Got this a month ago and let me tell you this guitar sounds as beautiful as it looks..!! The only thing that may not be satisfactory is the effectiveness of the tremolo which i never use...But overall it sounds very smooth and clean..I am very happy I must say. :D
Great piece of a gear for anyone ranging from beginner to intermediate guitarists! The alnico pickups sound great and out of the box its a gig worthy guitar!
Got this a month ago and let me tell you this guitar sounds as beautiful as it looks..!! The only thing that may not be satisfactory is the effectiveness of the tremolo which i never use...But overall it sounds very smooth and clean..I am very happy I must say. :D