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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Sound Quality: The sound is surprisingly realistic and vibrant. Each drum pad responds well, providing a great variety of sounds, from traditional acoustic to electronic beats.
Look acoustic feel electric
Acoustic look of this electronic drum kit is super cool, really great look and good drum kit
This kit is super responsive and has amazing quality. This is easy to plugin and turn off. Lemon mesh is super cool. Module is easy to use and remembers our previous usage kit. I thank bajaoo as well and Lemon for this kit.
Sound Quality: The sound is surprisingly realistic and vibrant. Each drum pad responds well, providing a great variety of sounds, from traditional acoustic to electronic beats.
Look acoustic feel electric
Acoustic look of this electronic drum kit is super cool, really great look and good drum kit
This kit is super responsive and has amazing quality. This is easy to plugin and turn off. Lemon mesh is super cool. Module is easy to use and remembers our previous usage kit. I thank bajaoo as well and Lemon for this kit.