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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I bought this bag along with an Ibanez rg350zb.The packing and delivery was satisfactory from Bajaao.At first the bag seemed nice but the cloth started to come off from certain places(near belt ends) and it is even delicate to touch as it is resulting in the cloth linings getting displaced creating a gap.I am surprised with the quality of the bag as i have not even travelled with it and it has started to break down.Not worth the price at all.Really disappointed with the purchase.
This bag is so beautiful and totally worth your money the starp available to hold the guitar inside, the kushan are gonna keep your guitar safe.
I bought this bag along with an Ibanez rg350zb.The packing and delivery was satisfactory from Bajaao.At first the bag seemed nice but the cloth started to come off from certain places(near belt ends) and it is even delicate to touch as it is resulting in the cloth linings getting displaced creating a gap.I am surprised with the quality of the bag as i have not even travelled with it and it has started to break down.Not worth the price at all.Really disappointed with the purchase.
This bag is so beautiful and totally worth your money the starp available to hold the guitar inside, the kushan are gonna keep your guitar safe.