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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
just worked as expected i have no issues with this head
Remo Diplomat Batter BD Drumheads - Clear
Remo Diplomat Batter BD Drumheads - Clear
The only 14" resonant tom head I found. Sounds exactly like a clear diplomat. The cheaper crimped hoop sounds the same as a poured one, it's a resonant head, so the reduced durability doesn't matter.
just worked as expected i have no issues with this head
Remo Diplomat Batter BD Drumheads - Clear
Remo Diplomat Batter BD Drumheads - Clear
The only 14" resonant tom head I found. Sounds exactly like a clear diplomat. The cheaper crimped hoop sounds the same as a poured one, it's a resonant head, so the reduced durability doesn't matter.