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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
a very good machine, it is as transitional step to the expensive pianos
this piano is very good, packing done strong, nothing broken, Bluedart courier delivering very fast ... Bajaao 5 stars
Love the action ( has escapement) and the feel of the keys (black keys could have been made to feel woody). The Piano & EPiano sounds are satisfying, but there's midi connectivity to satisfy your discerning taste! Best of all it's portable which makes it a very good choice for home practice and on-stage performances!!
a very good machine, it is as transitional step to the expensive pianos
this piano is very good, packing done strong, nothing broken, Bluedart courier delivering very fast ... Bajaao 5 stars
Love the action ( has escapement) and the feel of the keys (black keys could have been made to feel woody). The Piano & EPiano sounds are satisfying, but there's midi connectivity to satisfy your discerning taste! Best of all it's portable which makes it a very good choice for home practice and on-stage performances!!