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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Good piano for a beginner.
Even though this model is just slightly improved in a couple of ways over the previous model, key action movement, key noise, and pedaling limitations with the small square sustain pedal are pretty similar to the previous model. The fun bells & whistles are way too many and interesting but ultimately many of these things can be had by connecting a digital piano to an iPad to access some cool new digital educational and fun features in that way. For those wanting to learn in a fun way, this is recommended. Serious pianists might want to look elsewhere.
Good piano for a beginner.
Even though this model is just slightly improved in a couple of ways over the previous model, key action movement, key noise, and pedaling limitations with the small square sustain pedal are pretty similar to the previous model. The fun bells & whistles are way too many and interesting but ultimately many of these things can be had by connecting a digital piano to an iPad to access some cool new digital educational and fun features in that way. For those wanting to learn in a fun way, this is recommended. Serious pianists might want to look elsewhere.