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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
No surprise, this is an excellent mic, and you can't really beat these for value.
Very good, with minimum noise
Got this mic to do some vocal and guitar recordings
Has a great response in the low range while still maintaining the balance.
Highly impressed with it!
At par with any of the name brands like Shure, AT, AKG, SE
Very impressive performance
Very impressive performance
Good built quality
Excellent, will get another one
Superb quality, would not expect anything less from Vault
No surprise, this is an excellent mic, and you can't really beat these for value.
Very good, with minimum noise
Got this mic to do some vocal and guitar recordings
Has a great response in the low range while still maintaining the balance.
Highly impressed with it!
At par with any of the name brands like Shure, AT, AKG, SE
Very impressive performance
Very impressive performance
Good built quality
Excellent, will get another one
Superb quality, would not expect anything less from Vault