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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I'm the second customer facing the same issue , this bag was recommended during the checkout process of Yamaha F 280 . I went ahead and bought this back and realised this doesn't fit. Had I saw the review from r.k.d. I wouldn't have bought this and woudn't be writing this review this way.
I raised the issue with Bajaao , waiting to see if they accept their mistake and replace it . Fingers crossed !
Bag is very decent , thanks to bajaao for this It has one front pocket where you can keep all accessories.perfect fit for fender guitar.
Product met my expectations
i bought this bag and it is not suitable F280 guitar, this was not fit. bag cover is very thin and half of the guitar size. so when you are buying this bag for F280, please do not buy.
when you want to return this, customer has to pay return charges and customer will not get any money after deducting courier charges.
this is also one of the business trick for sale and earn money. company shows as this bag is under bought together with guitar for advertisement.
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag
Fits correctly for my Pluto 41inch Guitar
If you provide better complement it’s better for us.
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag
I'm the second customer facing the same issue , this bag was recommended during the checkout process of Yamaha F 280 . I went ahead and bought this back and realised this doesn't fit. Had I saw the review from r.k.d. I wouldn't have bought this and woudn't be writing this review this way.
I raised the issue with Bajaao , waiting to see if they accept their mistake and replace it . Fingers crossed !
Bag is very decent , thanks to bajaao for this It has one front pocket where you can keep all accessories.perfect fit for fender guitar.
Product met my expectations
i bought this bag and it is not suitable F280 guitar, this was not fit. bag cover is very thin and half of the guitar size. so when you are buying this bag for F280, please do not buy.
when you want to return this, customer has to pay return charges and customer will not get any money after deducting courier charges.
this is also one of the business trick for sale and earn money. company shows as this bag is under bought together with guitar for advertisement.
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag
Fits correctly for my Pluto 41inch Guitar
If you provide better complement it’s better for us.
Bajaao Premium 8mm Padded Acoustic Guitar Gigbag