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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
One of those guitars that provide you with great pickups on a low price. The sound and the overall quality won't disappoint you.
I've always been a fan of the emg h4's . The cort evl X4 justifies the tone and the output that the pickups have to provide. The action and neck profile is pretty fast ideal for shredding. Coil tap gives plethora of tonal options. Floating bridge is not average, might have to upgrade that
One of those guitars that provide you with great pickups on a low price. The sound and the overall quality won't disappoint you.
I've always been a fan of the emg h4's . The cort evl X4 justifies the tone and the output that the pickups have to provide. The action and neck profile is pretty fast ideal for shredding. Coil tap gives plethora of tonal options. Floating bridge is not average, might have to upgrade that