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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
its good for the people who are looking for classical guitar with pick up ....when it is played with out connecting to amplifier the tone is not so great but the real joy comes when you connect to amplifier and use that is awesome sound ...( good enough for recording )....neck diameter is very small so it will be very comfortable to play fret board is smooth enough and coming to pick up its a BARCUS-BERRY pick up and you will receive a cable and battery so overall it is good for the price
its good for the people who are looking for classical guitar with pick up ....when it is played with out connecting to amplifier the tone is not so great but the real joy comes when you connect to amplifier and use that is awesome sound ...( good enough for recording )....neck diameter is very small so it will be very comfortable to play fret board is smooth enough and coming to pick up its a BARCUS-BERRY pick up and you will receive a cable and battery so overall it is good for the price