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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
All my youtube videos are shot on Gopros only. and Hero10 has the best quality by far.
Great buy for a first timer
I've been using GoPros since they first came out and every new one is really better than the previous one. Great experience.
This is an essential for anyone who travels even a little bit. Can't imagine going on a trip without it.
I absolutely love the mod addition feature on this! very useful
Much better than I expected. Surely the best gopro yet
Totally worth it. And the touch screen is very responsive too
So much better than my old gopro 6. The gp2 processor is surprisingly fast
All my youtube videos are shot on Gopros only. and Hero10 has the best quality by far.
Great buy for a first timer
I've been using GoPros since they first came out and every new one is really better than the previous one. Great experience.
This is an essential for anyone who travels even a little bit. Can't imagine going on a trip without it.
I absolutely love the mod addition feature on this! very useful
Much better than I expected. Surely the best gopro yet
Totally worth it. And the touch screen is very responsive too
So much better than my old gopro 6. The gp2 processor is surprisingly fast