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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
this amp , just simply stuns the player with its versatility , and reliablity ... this tiny pedal can do everyhting from sparkly cleans to crunch to full blown metal distortion .. the value for money is amazing . the isf is a great feature , which basically is just a mid scoop or boost , which makes it sound fenderish or marshallish the amp although best for playing small clubs/pubs and practising .... it cannot hold its own with a very loud metal drummer ... but i must admit , the amp is actually really loud for a 5watt ...the best value for money tube amp , such versatilty
this amp , just simply stuns the player with its versatility , and reliablity ... this tiny pedal can do everyhting from sparkly cleans to crunch to full blown metal distortion .. the value for money is amazing . the isf is a great feature , which basically is just a mid scoop or boost , which makes it sound fenderish or marshallish the amp although best for playing small clubs/pubs and practising .... it cannot hold its own with a very loud metal drummer ... but i must admit , the amp is actually really loud for a 5watt ...the best value for money tube amp , such versatilty