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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Very good guitar safely and timely delivered
Very easy on the fingers, sounds awesome...Only issue was with the delivery guy who was asking 20000 cash/no card..
Its a nice guitar, good colour, nice pickups, nice knobs and perfect for a beginner. it deserves the price and is valuable. it has a beautiful tone and the best one could get. it came with a nice packing and was safe. but remember there will be no guitar cover in it!!
Looks great and feels great too!! Wonderful bass and very smooth neck !! Love the tone !! its tight and feels great too!! Thank you bajaao i am super glad i got this bass for my self
Very good guitar safely and timely delivered
Very easy on the fingers, sounds awesome...Only issue was with the delivery guy who was asking 20000 cash/no card..
Its a nice guitar, good colour, nice pickups, nice knobs and perfect for a beginner. it deserves the price and is valuable. it has a beautiful tone and the best one could get. it came with a nice packing and was safe. but remember there will be no guitar cover in it!!
Looks great and feels great too!! Wonderful bass and very smooth neck !! Love the tone !! its tight and feels great too!! Thank you bajaao i am super glad i got this bass for my self