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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
This is a "Player's Instrument! I was playing this Guitar straight out of the box which tells me that whoever set it up knew what he/she was doing. Fit and finish are excellent and I liked the way that the backside of the Neck was treated with a satin finish and the Fingerboard side of the Guitar was done in high gloss. I've been playing Guitar for over 4 years and when it comes to knowing what a "Player's instrument is, this one is it!
This is a "Player's Instrument! I was playing this Guitar straight out of the box which tells me that whoever set it up knew what he/she was doing. Fit and finish are excellent and I liked the way that the backside of the Neck was treated with a satin finish and the Fingerboard side of the Guitar was done in high gloss. I've been playing Guitar for over 4 years and when it comes to knowing what a "Player's instrument is, this one is it!