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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The sound is crisp and dense but without any muddiness with the bonus that they take up hardly any room in my small studio. One minor gripe I would be wory of is the volume controls on the front. They are cheap fader style knobs and not accurate so tiny, minimal adjustments will not register then all of a sudden the sound will come blasting out! This is a minor niggle though as opposed to a problem - I will be spreading the word of Fluid monitors - for the price these are excellent!
The sound is crisp and dense but without any muddiness with the bonus that they take up hardly any room in my small studio. One minor gripe I would be wory of is the volume controls on the front. They are cheap fader style knobs and not accurate so tiny, minimal adjustments will not register then all of a sudden the sound will come blasting out! This is a minor niggle though as opposed to a problem - I will be spreading the word of Fluid monitors - for the price these are excellent!