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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Arturia BeatStep Midi Interface
This is a good starting point for people like me new to music production and wanting to have the feel of analogue and not just clicking a mouse. I have used it on the Korg Volca keys and bass but currently have it connected to my UltraNova.
Great pads and the sequencer function is a great addition
BeatStep is an excellent MIDI controller and very good for sequencing
Using this as a sequencer mostly and having fun with it. I'm new to this kind of music production and have previously been guitar based.
Arturia BeatStep Midi Interface
This is a good starting point for people like me new to music production and wanting to have the feel of analogue and not just clicking a mouse. I have used it on the Korg Volca keys and bass but currently have it connected to my UltraNova.
Great pads and the sequencer function is a great addition
BeatStep is an excellent MIDI controller and very good for sequencing
Using this as a sequencer mostly and having fun with it. I'm new to this kind of music production and have previously been guitar based.