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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Really worth a buy whether you're a total beginner or more advanced player, though it's not first choice for a beginner owing to its multiple functions that aren't easy to comprehend initially.It has good playability, multiple voice and beat selection, and is an absolute pleasure to play. It however can take time to understand all its functions.
Best for arranging
Nice product for live session.... go for it
Yamaha is always best................
awesome product by yamaha
This keyboard am still using for show.
Really worth a buy whether you're a total beginner or more advanced player, though it's not first choice for a beginner owing to its multiple functions that aren't easy to comprehend initially.It has good playability, multiple voice and beat selection, and is an absolute pleasure to play. It however can take time to understand all its functions.
Best for arranging
Nice product for live session.... go for it
Yamaha is always best................
awesome product by yamaha
This keyboard am still using for show.