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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
ProMark LA5AW LA Special 5A Wood Tip Drumsticks
I am a pretty hard hitter and I require at least 1 pair per 2 jams or 1 show, but these have surprised me - a pair survived one full show and still strong. The best sticks out there for such a great price. Great for beginners and even professionals.
Amazing quality sticks by Promark at an absolutely cheap price!!!!
The Drum sticks are pretty good for beginners and would recommend it
ProMark LA5AW LA Special 5A Wood Tip Drumsticks
I am a pretty hard hitter and I require at least 1 pair per 2 jams or 1 show, but these have surprised me - a pair survived one full show and still strong. The best sticks out there for such a great price. Great for beginners and even professionals.
Amazing quality sticks by Promark at an absolutely cheap price!!!!
The Drum sticks are pretty good for beginners and would recommend it