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Product not recieved till date! Almost going to be three weeks!
First off, I was surprised by the built quality. Its heavy and metal build. I believe it will withstand some heavy usage. The reverb and the delay are nice. There are different parameter for different effect but unfortunately it is not editable. The not so good of the product is the chorus, flange and phaser quality. It sounds very weird and very unlikeable for my taste. The other sore point is one cannot put different effect on the left and right; say reverb on the left and delay on the right. It would have made it very flexible with such option. If you stick with reverb and delay it is very good but I'll stay away from the chorus, flange and phaser.
Product not recieved till date! Almost going to be three weeks!
First off, I was surprised by the built quality. Its heavy and metal build. I believe it will withstand some heavy usage. The reverb and the delay are nice. There are different parameter for different effect but unfortunately it is not editable. The not so good of the product is the chorus, flange and phaser quality. It sounds very weird and very unlikeable for my taste. The other sore point is one cannot put different effect on the left and right; say reverb on the left and delay on the right. It would have made it very flexible with such option. If you stick with reverb and delay it is very good but I'll stay away from the chorus, flange and phaser.