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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I have been playing the EWi USB for 9 months. Being always tethered to a PC and ext speakers was quite a bother. The Akai Solo is exactly that - Solo.
The sound quality of the speakers is excellent if you know how to adjust the Reverb, Chorus etc optimally but the sound quality is grand when played on speakers through an amp.
The number of instruments (Programs) available are more than sufficient for amateurs as well as professionals. The synthesised fake sounds are best left alone.
Definitely worth the price.
I have been playing the EWi USB for 9 months. Being always tethered to a PC and ext speakers was quite a bother. The Akai Solo is exactly that - Solo.
The sound quality of the speakers is excellent if you know how to adjust the Reverb, Chorus etc optimally but the sound quality is grand when played on speakers through an amp.
The number of instruments (Programs) available are more than sufficient for amateurs as well as professionals. The synthesised fake sounds are best left alone.
Definitely worth the price.