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It is almost robust, plays and sounds well, has a decent bag, and is reasonably priced.
This guitar is incredible. This tone can only be produced by this guitar. The expensive tonewoods are nice. This guitar stays in tune under all circumstances. It is fairly easy to play. fantastic neck comfort This is essential! Furthermore, it had been perfectly adjusted.
After years of playing Fender, I finally got a Taylor; the neck seems a little smoother than my Fender. This instrument is relatively light, yet loud! Generally has a pleasant tone, and when finger picked, this sound is quite clear.
The guitar is superb and simple to play. Both the appearance and the sound are great. The guitar can be held securely in the case. The construction is excellent, and the fretboard is smooth. Amazing guitar
It is almost robust, plays and sounds well, has a decent bag, and is reasonably priced.
This guitar is incredible. This tone can only be produced by this guitar. The expensive tonewoods are nice. This guitar stays in tune under all circumstances. It is fairly easy to play. fantastic neck comfort This is essential! Furthermore, it had been perfectly adjusted.
After years of playing Fender, I finally got a Taylor; the neck seems a little smoother than my Fender. This instrument is relatively light, yet loud! Generally has a pleasant tone, and when finger picked, this sound is quite clear.
The guitar is superb and simple to play. Both the appearance and the sound are great. The guitar can be held securely in the case. The construction is excellent, and the fretboard is smooth. Amazing guitar