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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Love the design of this, its unique its damn awesome, fishman electronics are great though, true performer in stage as well as in home or studio, its on litter pricer side as front is not solid but i don't mind because i use electronics all the time i pick this.. beautiful guitar with beautiful color and grand auditorium body, ebony fret board is solid black and dot in lays are treat to eyes..
I love it. Bajaao you are great
Love the design of this, its unique its damn awesome, fishman electronics are great though, true performer in stage as well as in home or studio, its on litter pricer side as front is not solid but i don't mind because i use electronics all the time i pick this.. beautiful guitar with beautiful color and grand auditorium body, ebony fret board is solid black and dot in lays are treat to eyes..
I love it. Bajaao you are great