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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Tried to adjust the action of guitar when i found the action is too high n not comfortable to play.. But the 1st n 2nd strings buzzs alot.. Checked nut.. Fret and all.. wasn't able to solve it.. Its an critical eror.. If i set the action.. As same as like with my old guitar (cort) than its buzzs allot.. No idea what to do so m returning it.
Tried to adjust the action of guitar when i found the action is too high n not comfortable to play.. But the 1st n 2nd strings buzzs alot.. Checked nut.. Fret and all.. wasn't able to solve it.. Its an critical eror.. If i set the action.. As same as like with my old guitar (cort) than its buzzs allot.. No idea what to do so m returning it.