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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Verified the Images of the open box and received a defective and different item. Followed up with After Sales for 10 consecutive days to get the item returned. Zero response to emails and a different Excutive assigned everytime when I called Customer service. Extremely dissatisfied by the service. Defect was eventually accepted and the item will be replaced, but after a lot of inconvenience and 1 month later than the initial order. All the best if still choose to purchase.
Verified the Images of the open box and received a defective and different item. Followed up with After Sales for 10 consecutive days to get the item returned. Zero response to emails and a different Excutive assigned everytime when I called Customer service. Extremely dissatisfied by the service. Defect was eventually accepted and the item will be replaced, but after a lot of inconvenience and 1 month later than the initial order. All the best if still choose to purchase.