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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Received this guitar in a perfect condition. Not one flaw. Set up correctly from factory. the neck is raw and smooth and has a good solid feel to it. The frets are clean with no sharp edges and no buzzes anywhere on the board. Most important is the sound, the sound is crisp with nice low end, not muddy, smooth mid-range and sweet ringing highs. Nice mellow overtones unplugged. Fishman tuner is a plus with pre amp. strumming in the living room fills my small house with sound, and so in my studio perfect for my recordings..... in all This is a good guitar value!!!!!!!
Received this guitar in a perfect condition. Not one flaw. Set up correctly from factory. the neck is raw and smooth and has a good solid feel to it. The frets are clean with no sharp edges and no buzzes anywhere on the board. Most important is the sound, the sound is crisp with nice low end, not muddy, smooth mid-range and sweet ringing highs. Nice mellow overtones unplugged. Fishman tuner is a plus with pre amp. strumming in the living room fills my small house with sound, and so in my studio perfect for my recordings..... in all This is a good guitar value!!!!!!!