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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Very good guitar. With professional sound and quality. For those who are looking for a professional guitar at affordable price. Electronics can be improved. For recording purposes also this is very good guitar. Thank you bajaoo.
Been using this guitar for five years... Totally satisfied with the sound quality and recordings are made easy with it's nice preamp section.
Play Sheryl Crow, Shania Twain and country numbers. Perfect one.
Very good guitar. With professional sound and quality. For those who are looking for a professional guitar at affordable price. Electronics can be improved. For recording purposes also this is very good guitar. Thank you bajaoo.
Been using this guitar for five years... Totally satisfied with the sound quality and recordings are made easy with it's nice preamp section.
Play Sheryl Crow, Shania Twain and country numbers. Perfect one.