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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Love the sound of this guitar, craftsmanship is impeccable. Great for the money you spent.
This guitar has the best tone plugged in, period. Although it does have a tendency to feedback slightly more often than you'd think, it delivers exceptional tone through the PA. I bought this guitar a few years ago for around 35k and apart from a few minor repairs regarding the electronics it has served me very well. The feedback issue can be easily overcome with a feedback buster! Will recommend it too!
Love the sound of this guitar, craftsmanship is impeccable. Great for the money you spent.
This guitar has the best tone plugged in, period. Although it does have a tendency to feedback slightly more often than you'd think, it delivers exceptional tone through the PA. I bought this guitar a few years ago for around 35k and apart from a few minor repairs regarding the electronics it has served me very well. The feedback issue can be easily overcome with a feedback buster! Will recommend it too!