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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
I'm a beginner, but I know what sound I wanted. This 41inch cutaway with steel strings, electronic tuner, and amazing acoustics makes sure you become an addict to strumming. While I checked out Yamaha, Jimmy, Cort, Ibanez, Granada which are on the costlier side, Amaze(which is made in China) fitted my specs of sound and bill at the same time. It is comparatively better than the others I mentioned, except for Yamaha.The sunburst look is just to kill for ;)
I'm a beginner, but I know what sound I wanted. This 41inch cutaway with steel strings, electronic tuner, and amazing acoustics makes sure you become an addict to strumming. While I checked out Yamaha, Jimmy, Cort, Ibanez, Granada which are on the costlier side, Amaze(which is made in China) fitted my specs of sound and bill at the same time. It is comparatively better than the others I mentioned, except for Yamaha.The sunburst look is just to kill for ;)