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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
What a stylish guitar with good finishing all the parts look very great with a natural colour on its body. I can't expect this faboulous guitar in this price . excellent packaging from bajaao just loved it at last this is best guitar for begainers .
Given that retail shops are selling everything above 5k, I have asked my guitar students to go for this one. Decent for its price.
I used this guitar this is guitar tone , body and fretboard are very good quality in this range.
What a stylish guitar with good finishing all the parts look very great with a natural colour on its body. I can't expect this faboulous guitar in this price . excellent packaging from bajaao just loved it at last this is best guitar for begainers .
Given that retail shops are selling everything above 5k, I have asked my guitar students to go for this one. Decent for its price.
I used this guitar this is guitar tone , body and fretboard are very good quality in this range.