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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Very nice product at this price by vault. But delivery could have been better and faster. I think extra protect is a not a worthy option as no extra protection was taken for the product. Very slow delivery too.
In this budget segment its really great deal . So you can go for it other brands are little bit costly but this one is good
I use this hard case with my Cort Semi Acoustic Guitar and it fits a 42 inch guitar perfectly. I love this product very much
Vault products are always beyond par.. its not too heavy and does the job well at half of the price. Vault offers better quality with lowest price specially there Studio monitors !!
not suitable for acoustic guitar / thickness of body 5 inch
Very nice product at this price by vault. But delivery could have been better and faster. I think extra protect is a not a worthy option as no extra protection was taken for the product. Very slow delivery too.
In this budget segment its really great deal . So you can go for it other brands are little bit costly but this one is good
I use this hard case with my Cort Semi Acoustic Guitar and it fits a 42 inch guitar perfectly. I love this product very much
Vault products are always beyond par.. its not too heavy and does the job well at half of the price. Vault offers better quality with lowest price specially there Studio monitors !!
not suitable for acoustic guitar / thickness of body 5 inch