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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
It's a great product for music producers but I'll like to add here that there's a problem worth mentioning.I've searched on the internet and a lot of people are facing this problem.To get the hardware working one has to download the software online via Native Access which takes forever to download as the server of NI is too slow.This should be definitely fixed.Moreover the buyers should get these principal vsts on the hard disk/Flash Drive & later on can update via Native Access.Also to mention that a vst called 'Alicia's Keys' is missing entirely while on the box also it says its included.I hope in the near future these problems are resolved for the convenience of NI users.
It's a great product for music producers but I'll like to add here that there's a problem worth mentioning.I've searched on the internet and a lot of people are facing this problem.To get the hardware working one has to download the software online via Native Access which takes forever to download as the server of NI is too slow.This should be definitely fixed.Moreover the buyers should get these principal vsts on the hard disk/Flash Drive & later on can update via Native Access.Also to mention that a vst called 'Alicia's Keys' is missing entirely while on the box also it says its included.I hope in the near future these problems are resolved for the convenience of NI users.