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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
The fade grey burst resembles a sort of fade green burst. Mine is made in Indonesia...Overall a nice and mellow sound is produced from it .. on
My first choice was Cort C5 Plus, but it was out of my budget range so I picked this up. I have had it for barely 5 days now and I have totally fallen in love with it. It is perfect for a wide variety of genres, but it really stood in metal songs. I am originally a guitar player, and I am just learning bass at this point, but you can have a look at my Meshuggah - Corridor of Chameleons cover and judge the tone for yourself. It sounds absolutely insane.
Cort Action DLX V Plus Bass Guitar
Cort has done it again! Great fit and finish! Sounds great too!
Active pickup's are amazing, they add a boost to your an extra string is always a plus point..for extended scales..and progressive bass lines.... although the fade grey burst resembles a sort of fade green burst...will add photo later!!!!!!!
The fade grey burst resembles a sort of fade green burst. Mine is made in Indonesia...Overall a nice and mellow sound is produced from it .. on
My first choice was Cort C5 Plus, but it was out of my budget range so I picked this up. I have had it for barely 5 days now and I have totally fallen in love with it. It is perfect for a wide variety of genres, but it really stood in metal songs. I am originally a guitar player, and I am just learning bass at this point, but you can have a look at my Meshuggah - Corridor of Chameleons cover and judge the tone for yourself. It sounds absolutely insane.
Cort Action DLX V Plus Bass Guitar
Cort has done it again! Great fit and finish! Sounds great too!
Active pickup's are amazing, they add a boost to your an extra string is always a plus point..for extended scales..and progressive bass lines.... although the fade grey burst resembles a sort of fade green burst...will add photo later!!!!!!!