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Best buy, thanks bajaao for suggesting me this
I have been using this from a month and i must say this is one of the best quality of monitors out there in the market
Compact And Really Nice For Any Application
Quality Is Decent for the price offered at
Superb Choice for beginners at budget, Overall Design Is Nice For The Price
This one good options for gamers and Small Boutique application
A Very Simple Basic Product At Budget
Vaule for money. Decent quality with good lows
Best quality with good amount of low freq
Great Performance At The Small Driver, With Bluetooth
Best buy, thanks bajaao for suggesting me this
I have been using this from a month and i must say this is one of the best quality of monitors out there in the market
Compact And Really Nice For Any Application
Quality Is Decent for the price offered at
Superb Choice for beginners at budget, Overall Design Is Nice For The Price
This one good options for gamers and Small Boutique application
A Very Simple Basic Product At Budget
Vaule for money. Decent quality with good lows
Best quality with good amount of low freq
Great Performance At The Small Driver, With Bluetooth