

Should You Be Using Sharps Or Flats When Transcribing Tabs And Chords?

Should You Be Using Sharps Or Flats When Transcribing Tabs And Chords?

By January 23, 2015 | Acoustic Guitar Category_Tips & Guides>Guitars Guitar Tips Guitars Tech Tips

We will create a chord chart for each key in the major scale. This will show you each chord in a key and when to use sharps and when to use flats when you are transcribing music into tabs and chord sheets.Creating a chord chart in the major (Ionian) scaleTake...

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Greek to Geek - Buying Guide of Headphones and Earphones

Greek to Geek - Buying Guide of Headphones and Earphones

By November 27, 2014 | Buying Guide Category_Buying Guide>Accessories Closed Back Earphones Headphones Open Back

Purchasing a good set of headphones has always been a tough task, like a leg day at gym, specially when there are so many options available in market and people in reviews talk in all Greek with all the fancy jargon that you just can’t figure out. To help you...

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