
5 Reasons To Learn Ukulele Over Guitar

By May 15, 2016

When starting to learn to play different musical instruments, people always tend to start from fairly easy ones, although mastering a certain instrument takes a lot of practice and dedication. The most common instruments chosen are drums, keyboards, Cajón, and our good old guitars! However, what people don’t know is that a Ukulele, much similar to an acoustic guitar, can be as fun as a guitar, or sometimes even better. Here we have five reasons why learning a Ukulele might make you want to rethink getting just a guitar. 1) Easy to play Ukuleles are four stringed musical instruments, so learning is easier as compared to guitars. Young children as well as beginners can pick up various chord sequences, strumming techniques and picking patterns more easily on a Ukulele than a Guitar. 2) Easy to learn A Ukulele allows relatively low tension for your fingers to form chords. This is, as compared to a guitar, which is fairly more complex for any beginner to start with. So if you’re a beginner aiming at making some good music in a short time, a Ukulele is the instrument for you. 3) Comparatively Cheaper For someone who wants to learn the art of playing a stringed instrument, a Ukulele, can be a better option since it is cheaper. With different tonal settings, anyone could easily find a cheap deal on this instrument anywhere, and start practising. Furthermore, when you’re good at chord formations and other techniques, you can easily always shift to guitar, without having gone through the strain of learning too many new techniques. 4) Portable A Ukulele is easy to carry along with you, almost everywhere. With a guitar, unless it’s a small one, you’d have to think twice. Ukuleles on the other hand can be carried with any type of luggage since it is very light and does not need any extra accessories. You can carry this little stringed instrument to any occasion and for those who like to show off their skills amongst people, a Ukulele is cool. 5) For Music If someone likes to sing and is looking to learn an instrument that compliments your voice, a Ukulele is a good option. People have seen thousands of guitar-strumming musicians but playing a Ukulele is still comparatively contemporary too. Since the range of a Ukulele is relatively lesser than that of a Guitar, it would require lesser time to get good at, providing an excellent companion to your voice. Want to get yourself one? Check out some of our Lanikai Ukuleles by Hohner.

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