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(Daily 10AM - 7PM)
Humidity does effect the plastic coating on the strap lock. But it's a good buy. Especially if you don't want your guitar to fall when you move around the stage.
this is awesomegood locking systemi love it
Great locking feature to ensure your guitar never slips out ---end locks nylon coated towards the rear side to ensure it doesn't scratch the body of your guitar--- BTW m using a Cort X11 which weighs around 6 Kgs ---- Strap could have been a bit wider to provide better cushion to the shoulders
Humidity does effect the plastic coating on the strap lock. But it's a good buy. Especially if you don't want your guitar to fall when you move around the stage.
this is awesomegood locking systemi love it
Great locking feature to ensure your guitar never slips out ---end locks nylon coated towards the rear side to ensure it doesn't scratch the body of your guitar--- BTW m using a Cort X11 which weighs around 6 Kgs ---- Strap could have been a bit wider to provide better cushion to the shoulders